电工每天用加油站填充水箱帮助从A点到B点。 通常这也是快速插站,可回收垃圾可以丢出加油站,很少考虑适当的垃圾排序垃圾丢弃过程可能因电工计划 停止前院填充车辆 或因任何其他需要进入服务站牢记所有这一切, 确定最佳做法 内外部回收 和内收集加油站有一些问题我们需要考虑.
服务站内存各种抢进项以方便个人。这些项从香烟和咖啡到芯片和糖果到水瓶、波普和果汁不等。如果知道哪些项可能感兴趣,你就可以确定需要什么桶在大多数情况下,垃圾回收二重机会为服务站工作,只要这些站提供新鲜果实就担心有机箱问题。 另外,请确定这些垃圾箱离门比较近,方便进出者使用这些垃圾箱,以确保最佳使用这些垃圾箱。 讲演时,我们将在一小段时间里触及这个问题,但首先我们需要探索那些选择不全站者-
下一个问题我们需要探索多少时间花在加油站As part of a study done by GEOTAB in the United States, they had found that, on average, patrons spend about 8 minutes at a gas station for every stop made. If we assume that those who spend as little time as possible are paying at the pump and staying within the forecourt, it would likely be on the lesser spectrum of this average as well. When considering exterior bins, you will want to determine the best placements as well. Considering that these individuals are staying within the forecourt, it's best to have bins available either at each pump or in-between pumps!可见易达 最少徒步旅行
第三个也是最后一个问题 都与服务站内外 前院可视化和/或美学版回想内部服务站文件箱时,最好有限制性开口 — — 垃圾广场开口、罐子小圆圈、纸牌机长薄槽 — — 帮助辨别不同的垃圾流和往常一样,颜色协调也很重要 — — 保持垃圾箱与人们常在权限内别处看到的相同颜色(常为蓝回收、黑垃圾、绿色有机物等)。
As for labels, showing visuals of what one may find within that service station would be key to ensuring the proper sorting is occurring when the bins are being used. For example, if you have a specific-looking bag of chips, ensuring a graphic/visual representation of that kind of chip bag is visible on the waste container can go a long way. When we're looking at the exterior forecourt bins, larger openings would be important under the assumption that they're being used for a multitude of items varying in sizes, and continuing along the trend of colour coordination would be an important aspect as well.
整体上研究优化加油站回收垃圾时 从理解地开始 几乎总能快速停止从那里研究最适合你需要的垃圾桶-大型/有限开口、特定颜色、标识能力等-对选择过程大有帮助。 保证监控您的接收并做未来调整,因为您的垃圾收集需求可随时间增长变化